Pool-Tech Leaf Catcher


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The Inline leaf catcher by Pool Trader is a simple device that catches leaves and debris before they enter the weir. It is a must-have accessory for pool owners who have a lot of trees around their pool area. Leaves and debris can cause many problems for your pool, such as:
– Clogging your pool filter and skimmer basket, which reduces the efficiency of your pool cleaner and increases the pressure on your pool pump.
– Creating a mess in your pool, which makes it look dirty and unappealing, and can also stain your pool surface and tiles.
– Increasing the risk of algae growth, which can make your pool water green and cloudy, and can also pose health hazards.

The Inline leaf catcher solves these problems by trapping the leaves and debris before they reach the weir. It has a large capacity basket with transparent plastic that allows you to see when the basket is full and needs to be emptied. The Inline leaf catcher is easy to install and use. You don’t need any tools or extra parts. Just attach it to the hoses of your pool cleaner and let it do the work for you.

The Inline leaf catcher is compatible with all types of pool cleaners and hoses. It is also durable and weather-resistant, so you can leave it in your pool all year round. The Inline leaf catcher is the best way to deal with leaves in your pool. You will love the difference it makes!


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